• July 14, 2019
  • Blog

Almost everyone knows the feeling of getting in a car accident. The spike in adrenaline, the knot in your stomach, and the way your breath seems to get caught in your chest as you try to make sure everyone involved is okay. The truth is, no matter who was at fault or how minor the accident, car accidents can be scary, and they often times leave people shaken up. 

At the end of the day, however, drivers feel a sense of security knowing that when accidents come up, insurance will cover the costs of damages and any medical attention that may be needed as a result of an accident. That safety net is extremely important when you consider that the Colorado Department of Transportation recently reported distracted drivers alone cause 43 accidents per day. 

In an accident, the party at fault, or their insurance, should pay for the damages. But what happens when there’s an accident and the person at fault doesn’t have insurance? That’s where Uninsured (or even underinsured) Motorist coverage (UM) comes in. UM will protect you in the unfortunate cases where the at fault motorist either does not have insurance or does not have enough insurance coverage to pay for the damages.

And yes, it is illegal to drive in Colorado without car insurance. However, despite the strict fines and punishments, 13% of drivers in the United States still choose to drive without insurance. That’s over 1 in 8 drivers, or about 5 drivers out of 43.

UM coverage will protect you in those 5 out of 43 cases. It can also help protect you when an at fault motorist is underinsured. For example, the minimum coverage in Colorado is currently $25,000 per person for bodily injury. If an accident causes $40,000 in medical damages and the at fault motorist only has the minimum required coverage, UM coverage can help bridge the gap between what the liable insurance company will pay and doctor bills. In some cases, UM coverage may even cover lost wages due to an accident. The coverage may even kick in in the occurrence of a hit and run accident if the motorist cannot be found. 

Unfortunately, car accidents are an everyday risk, but Uninsured Motorist coverage can give you confidence that your financial interests are protected. 

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Written and Legally Reviewed ByJacob Galperin

Jacob Galperin is a litigation attorney with an emphasis in personal injury. He has represented hundreds of injured victims and has been able to recover millions in compensation for his clients.

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