Summertime often means summer travel, so while your plans may look different this summer, take the time to review these summer driving tips.
Drunk driving might be down due to COVID-19, but fatalities are not. If you are planning on summer driving, here’s how to keep yourself and neighbors safe during end-of-summer travels:
Keep your car in excellent condition.
Picture it…that check-engine light pops on… “again?” you groan. Now your car’s started making that weird rumbling noise on the hill. You turn your stereo up and keep on truckin’ right? Wrong. If you’re asking yourself, “When’s the right time to take my vehicle in for a tune up?” the answer is always the same: “NOW!”
Your car does so much for your family, so make sure you’re doing something for your car. You can use your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to check for government recalls here. You’ll also want to make sure your tires are in proper condition. Check out our tire safety tips for summer driving to keep your tires in top shape and prevent a dangerous blowout.
Do a walk around.
Everybody knows that safe driving practices start before you step into your vehicle.
You’ve got that fancy back-up camera on your new family-sized car? Well, the bigger the vehicle the bigger the blind spot. Before leaving your garage, walk around your vehicle to be sure that there are no small children, pets, or debris behind your car.
Cut your speed by 5%.
There’s always that one neighbor that sits on their porch and screams at you to “SLOW DOWN”. Let’s not give that neighbor any more reason to scream at us in the streets.
Only a 5% cut in average speed can result in a 30% reduction in fatal road traffic crashes. Cut your speed and keep an eye out for kids, pets and other street obstacles.
Share the road.
The great thing about summer is getting outside. This means an increase in pedestrians that aren’t paying attention to you, along with vehicles that don’t have the safety measures of your car or truck. Motorcyclists are also more common as the weather warms up. Be sure to use your signals to actively communicate your intention and share the road!
Our #1 priority is that you and your family stay safe, but if you are injured in an accident, we want to defend your rights to compensation. The attorneys at Galperin & Associates know that all accidents are different and are here to help you maximize your right to recovery. Contact us today at 720-501-3451 to speak to an attorney.