Were You Injured In A Truck Accident?

Denver’s Truck Accident Lawyers

At Galperin & Associates, we understand the impact of truck accidents. Our Denver-based legal team specializes in offering comprehensive support for such cases. With a commitment to securing fair compensation, we extend a free, no-obligation consultation to evaluate your situation. Our expertise isn’t limited to truck accidents; we proficiently handle car accidents, motorcycle injuries, slip and fall incidents, wrongful death claims, and brain injury cases. Trust us to leverage our experience and dedication in advocating for your rights and justice. Contact us to see how we can assist you and your family.

Truck Accident

Guidelines to Follow After a Semi-Truck Collision in Denver, CO

If you’ve been involved in a collision with a semi-truck in Denver, CO, taking the proper steps is crucial for your safety, health, and subsequent legal actions. Here’s a guide from Galperin & Associates on what to do:

  1. Ensure Safety: Move to a safe location if possible. Your immediate safety is paramount.
  2. Call Emergency Services: Dial 911. Report the accident and request medical assistance if there are any injuries.
  3. Document the Scene: Take photographs of the vehicles, road conditions, traffic signs, and any visible injuries. This documentation can be vital for insurance and legal purposes.
  4. Exchange Information: Safely exchange contact and insurance details with the other driver. Avoid discussing the fault or details of the accident.
  5. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you feel fine, some injuries, like whiplash or internal trauma, may not be immediately apparent. Visiting a doctor ensures your health is monitored and provides a medical record of the incident.
  6. Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurer about the accident. Provide basic details, but refrain from making statements construed as an admission of fault.
  7. Gather Witness Information: If there are witnesses, get their contact information. Their accounts may help reconstruct the accident.
  8. Keep a Record: Document all medical treatments, repairs, and related expenses. Also, note any missed workdays or activities due to the accident.
  9. Consult an Attorney: Consult with a legal professional before accepting any settlement offers. At Galperin & Associates, we specialize in truck accident cases and can guide you through the complexities of your claim.
  10. Avoid Social Media: Do not discuss the accident or post details online, as this can be used against you in legal proceedings.
  11. Follow Legal Advice: Once you have legal representation, follow their guidance. They will navigate the legal aspects while you focus on recovery.

Remember, semi-truck collisions can be complex due to the size of the vehicle and the potential for severe injuries. It’s essential to take these steps to protect your rights and interests. For more detailed guidance and support, contact Galperin & Associates.

Truck Accident

Types of Damages in a Truck Accident Lawsuit Explained

In a truck accident lawsuit, various damages are available to the injured party. These include:

  1. Medical Expenses : Covers current and future medical treatment costs related to the accident.
  2. Lost Wages : Compensation for lost income due to the inability to work, including future earnings.
  3. Pain and Suffering : Addresses physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident.
  4. Property Damage : Reimbursement for vehicle repairs or replacement.
  5. Punitive Damages : In cases of egregious negligence, these are awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct.
  6. Wrongful Death : If the accident leads to a fatality, the victim’s family may receive compensation for loss of support, funeral expenses, and loss of companionship.

Each case is unique, so the specific damages applicable will depend on the circumstances of the accident.

When filing a truck accident claim, it’s crucial to be aware of the deadlines, known as the statute of limitations. In Colorado, you generally have three years from the accident date to file a lawsuit against the responsible parties. This timeframe applies to most personal injury claims resulting from a truck accident.

However, if the accident resulted in a fatality, the deadline for filing a wrongful death claim is typically two years from the date of the deceased’s passing.

Truck Accident

Deadline for Filing a Truck Accident Claim in Colorado

It’s important to note that these deadlines are strict, and failing to file within this period can result in losing your right to seek compensation. There may be exceptions or specific circumstances that could alter these timeframes, so it’s advisable to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident.

At Galperin & Associates, we can help you understand these deadlines and ensure your claim is filed timely, protecting your rights and interests.

Safety Regulations for Commercial Drivers in Colorado

Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

In Colorado, commercial drivers are subject to stringent safety regulations to ensure road safety and reduce accidents. At Galperin & Associates, we emphasize the importance of understanding these regulations:

  1. Commercial Driver’s License (CDL): Drivers must possess a valid CDL obtained after passing written and skills tests specific to the type of commercial vehicle operated.
  2. Hours of Service (HOS): These regulations limit the number of hours a driver can operate. For example, property-carrying drivers are allowed a maximum of 11 hours of driving after ten consecutive hours off duty.
  3. Drug and Alcohol Testing: Mandatory testing is required for all commercial drivers, including pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, and follow-up testing.
  4. Vehicle Maintenance: Regular inspections, maintenance, and repair of commercial vehicles are required to ensure they meet safety standards.
  5. Load Limits: Commercial vehicles must adhere to state-specific weight limits and ensure proper cargo securement to prevent shifting loads.
  6. Speed Limits and Traffic Laws: Commercial drivers must obey all traffic laws, including speed limits, which might be lower for commercial vehicles.
  7. Electronic Logging Devices (ELD): These devices are mandated to log driving hours and ensure accurate compliance with HOS regulations.
  8. Medical Certification: Drivers must pass a physical examination every two years to maintain their medical certification and ensure they are physically capable of safely operating a commercial vehicle.
  9. Training Requirements: Ongoing training on safe driving practices, including handling adverse weather conditions and understanding regulations, is essential.
  10. Hazardous Materials (HazMat): Additional training and a special endorsement on their CDL are required for drivers transporting hazardous materials.

Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to severe consequences, including legal penalties and increased risk of accidents. Understanding and adhering to these safety regulations is crucial for commercial drivers in Colorado. For individuals involved in a truck accident, knowledge of these regulations is vital in assessing liability and pursuing legal claims.

Insurance Requirements for Commercial Drivers

Insurance for Commercial Drivers

Commercial drivers in Colorado must adhere to specific insurance requirements to ensure adequate coverage in the event of accidents or other incidents. At Galperin & Associates, we highlight the critical aspects of these insurance requirements:

  1. Liability Insurance: This is mandatory for all commercial drivers. The minimum coverage amount depends on the type of freight. The minimum for non-hazardous freight in vehicles over 10,000 pounds is $750,000. Hazardous material transport requires higher coverage, typically at least $1,000,000.
  2. Cargo Insurance: While not legally required by federal law, many shippers and brokers need cargo insurance. This covers the loss or damage of goods during transport.
  3. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: This protects in an accident with a driver with inadequate or no insurance.
  4. Physical Damage Coverage: Though not legally required, it’s highly recommended. This covers damage to the commercial vehicle, whether from an accident, theft, or other hazards.

These insurance requirements are designed to protect commercial drivers and their assets and other road users. Compliance with these insurance standards is crucial for legal operation and can significantly impact the outcomes of any claims or legal proceedings following an accident.

Common Injuries Sustained in Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can result in a range of serious injuries, some of which include:

  1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): These can occur from a sudden blow to the head, potentially leading to long-term cognitive issues.
  2. Spinal Cord Injuries: These injuries can result in partial or complete paralysis, significantly impacting one’s quality of life.
  3. Broken Bones: The immense force of truck collisions often leads to fractures, which can be complex and require extensive treatment.
  4. Internal Injuries: Damage to internal organs and internal bleeding are common due to the impact force.
  5. Lacerations and Bruises: These can vary from minor to severe, sometimes leading to permanent scarring.
  6. Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injuries: Common in rear-end collisions, these can cause long-lasting neck and back pain.

Understanding the severity and variety of these injuries is crucial in truck accident cases. At Galperin & Associates, we consider the full impact of these injuries on our clients’ lives when pursuing their legal claims.

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents in Denver

Driver Fatigue

Trucking accidents in Denver can be attributed to a variety of causes. At Galperin & Associates, we have identified several common factors contributing to these incidents:

  1. Driver Fatigue: One of the leading causes of driver fatigue is long hours on the road without adequate rest, leading to decreased alertness and reaction time.
  2. Distracted Driving includes using mobile devices, eating, or any activity that takes the driver’s attention away from the road.
  3. Improper Loading: Overloading or uneven cargo loading can lead to imbalanced trucks, increasing the risk of rollovers or losing control.
  4. Speeding and Aggressive Driving: Exceeding speed limits or engaging in aggressive maneuvers like abrupt lane changes can lead to accidents, especially given the large size and weight of trucks.
  5. Lack of Training: Inadequate training for truck drivers on vehicle operation and safety practices can lead to mistakes on the road.
  6. Mechanical Failures: Poor maintenance can result in brake failures, tire blowouts, or other mechanical issues that can cause accidents.
  7. Weather Conditions: Snow, ice, rain, and fog in Denver can reduce visibility and road traction, making it challenging for trucks to stop or maneuver safely.
  8. Drug and Alcohol Use: Impairment by drugs or alcohol drastically reduces a driver’s ability to operate a truck safely.
  9. Inadequate Roadway Knowledge: Unfamiliarity with the roadways, including sharp turns, steep inclines, or specific traffic patterns, can lead to accidents.
  10. Failure to Obey Traffic Laws: Ignoring traffic signals, signs, or road rules can result in collisions.
  11. Poor Road Conditions: Potholes, inadequate signage, and poorly designed intersections can contribute to truck accidents.
  12. Tailgating: Trucks need a greater stopping distance. Following too closely to other vehicles increases the risk of rear-end collisions.
  13. Blind Spots: Trucks have more prominent blind spots than other vehicles. Accidents often occur when a truck changes lanes or turns without noticing smaller vehicles in these blind spots.
  14. Pressure from Employers: Some trucking companies pressure drivers to meet unrealistic schedules, leading to speeding and insufficient rest.
  15. Incorrectly Secured Cargo: If the cargo is not secured correctly, it can shift during transit, causing the truck to become unstable.
  16. Negligent Hiring Practices: Companies sometimes need to conduct proper background checks, leading to hiring unqualified or unsafe drivers.

Understanding these causes is crucial in truck accident cases. It helps in determining liability and pursuing appropriate legal action. Each accident has its unique aspects, and at Galperin & Associates, we meticulously analyze the specifics of each case to build a solid legal strategy for our clients. We aim to ensure that those affected by such accidents receive the compensation and justice they deserve.

Trucking Accidents on the I-70 Corridor in Colorado: Key Factors and Legal Perspectives

The I-70 corridor, a major transportation route in Colorado, experiences many trucking accidents. Factors contributing to these incidents often include challenging weather conditions, especially during winter, with snow and ice creating hazardous driving situations. The diverse terrain along I-70, featuring steep grades and sharp curves, adds to the complexity, particularly for large trucks. High traffic volume, including commercial and passenger vehicles, increases the risk of collisions. Additionally, driver fatigue is a notable issue, as the I-70 corridor is a key freight route, leading to long hours on the road for truck drivers. At Galperin & Associates, we emphasize the importance of safe driving practices and adherence to traffic laws to reduce accidents. Legal recourse is available for those affected by trucking accidents on I-70, and we provide expert guidance in navigating these complex cases.

I-70 Corridor in Colorado

Anatomy of a Truck Accident Investigation: Steps and Considerations

A truck accident investigation is a meticulous process that involves several steps to determine the cause and liability. At Galperin & Associates, we outline what a typical investigation looks like:

  1. Immediate Response: The first step involves securing the accident scene. This is crucial for preserving evidence. Law enforcement and emergency services typically respond to ensure safety and provide medical aid.
  2. Documentation of the Scene: Investigators take photos and videos of the accident site, including vehicle positions, road conditions, and any skid marks or debris. This visual evidence helps reconstruct the accident.
  3. Witness Statements: Gathering statements from eyewitnesses provides firsthand accounts of the accident. Their perspectives can offer valuable insights that may take time to be apparent from the physical evidence.
  4. Driver Information: The truck driver’s credentials, driving history, and condition during the accident are reviewed. This includes checking for signs of impairment, fatigue, or violations of regulations like Hours of Service.
  5. Vehicle Inspection: Both the truck and other involved vehicles are inspected for mechanical issues, such as brake failure or tire blowouts, which might have contributed to the accident.
  6. Review of Electronic Logs: Modern trucks are equipped with Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) that record data such as speed, braking, and hours of operation. This data is crucial in understanding the truck’s activity before the accident.
  7. Cargo Examination: The load carried by the truck is inspected for proper securement and weight distribution, as improper loading can lead to accidents.
  8. Analysis of Road and Weather Conditions: The condition of the road and weather at the time of the accident are considered. These factors can significantly impact driving conditions and vehicle performance.
  9. Gathering of Additional Evidence: This can include traffic camera footage, toll booth records, or GPS data, which help piece together the vehicle’s movements and behavior before the accident.
  10. Expert Consultations: Accident reconstruction experts may be consulted to create a more detailed analysis of how the accident occurred, often using the collected data to simulate the events leading up to the collision.
  11. Review of Company Records: Investigating the trucking company’s records for compliance with safety regulations, maintenance logs, and driver employment history is vital. It helps identify any negligence on the part of the company.
  12. Medical Records Review: For injury cases, medical records of the injured parties are examined to establish the extent and causation of injuries.
  13. Insurance Investigations: The trucking companies and the victims’ insurance companies conduct their own investigations to assess liability and damages.
  14. Legal Assessment: Attorneys like those at Galperin & Associates analyze the collected evidence, legal aspects, and precedents to build a case for or against liability.
  15. Settlement Negotiations or Trial Preparation: The case may move to settlement negotiations or proceed to trial, depending on the findings.

Each truck accident investigation is unique, with its complexities and challenges. Those involved in a truck accident need to consult with experienced attorneys who can navigate the intricate investigation process and ensure their rights are protected.

Complexities of Truck Accident Claims: A Legal Perspective

Accident Statement

Truck accident claims are inherently more complicated than typical car accident claims for several reasons:

  1. Severity of Injuries: Truck accidents often result in more severe injuries due to the size and weight of commercial trucks. This leads to more complex medical treatments and extended recovery periods, making assessing and quantifying damages challenging.
  2. Multiple Parties Involved: Besides the truck driver, other parties, such as the trucking company, cargo loaders, and vehicle manufacturers, may be involved. Determining liability can be complex, as it may lie with one or several entities.
  3. Extensive Regulations: The trucking industry is governed by stringent federal and state regulations, including service hours, maintenance standards, and load limits. Violations of these regulations can play a significant role in accidents, adding layers to the investigation and legal process.
  4. Higher Insurance Coverage: Commercial trucks typically have higher insurance policy limits. This means there’s more at stake for insurance companies, often leading to more aggressive defense tactics.
  5. Detailed Evidence: Truck accidents often require in-depth analysis of evidence such as driver logs, black box data, and maintenance records. This requires specialized knowledge and resources.
  6. Interstate Operations: Many trucking companies operate across state lines, which can introduce jurisdictional complexities and varying laws.
  7. Long-Term Impacts: The long-term effects of injuries, such as ongoing medical treatment and the inability to return to work, must be accurately calculated for adequate compensation.

At Galperin & Associates, we understand these complexities and are equipped to navigate the multifaceted nature of truck accident claims to ensure fair compensation for our clients.

Diverse Truck Accident Cases Handled by Galperin & Associates

Truck Accident

At Galperin & Associates, our expertise covers a wide range of truck accidents, each with its unique challenges and legal considerations:

  1. Jackknife Accidents: Occur when a truck’s trailer skids, forming an acute angle with the cab.
  2. Rollovers: When a truck tips over onto its side or roof, often caused by sharp turns or unstable loads.
  3. Rear-End Collisions: Involving a truck hitting the vehicle in front, often due to tailgating or brake failure.
  4. Underride Accidents: A hazardous scenario is when a smaller vehicle gets trapped under a truck’s trailer.
  5. T-Bone Accidents: Occurs at intersections, involving a truck hitting the side of another vehicle.
  6. Comprehensive Turn Accidents: This happens when a truck swings wide left to make a right turn, potentially colliding with other vehicles.
  7. Lost Load Accidents: These are caused by improperly secured cargo, leading to road hazards.
  8. Head-On Collisions: Among the most severe, often resulting from wrong-way driving or lane departures.

We approach each case with a thorough understanding of the specific dynamics involved, ensuring tailored legal strategies for our clients.

Identifying Liable Parties in Truck Accident Cases

In truck accident cases, various parties may be held liable for injuries, depending on the circumstances of the accident:

  1. Truck Driver: The driver may be liable if the accident was caused by distracted driving, fatigue, impairment, or violation of traffic laws.
  2. Trucking Company: If the company failed to enforce regulations, such as service hours, or hired unqualified drivers, it could be held responsible.
  3. Cargo Loaders: Improper loading or securing of cargo can contribute to accidents, making cargo loaders potentially liable.
  4. Truck Manufacturer: If a defect in the truck or its parts, such as brakes or tires, led to the accident, the manufacturer might be responsible.
  5. Maintenance Providers: Inadequate maintenance or repair of the truck can result in liability for the service providers.
  6. Other Drivers: Other motorists’ actions, like cutting off a truck or driving erratically, can also contribute to accidents.

Each party’s involvement and liability in a truck accident require careful investigation. At Galperin & Associates, we thoroughly examine all aspects of the accident to identify all potentially liable parties, ensuring our clients receive comprehensive legal representation for their injuries.

Truck Accident

Overview of Colorado’s Truck Accident Laws and Regulations

Colorado’s truck accident laws are designed to regulate commercial vehicle operation and ensure road safety. Here are critical aspects of these laws:

  1. Licensing and Training: Colorado requires all commercial truck drivers to hold a valid Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). This necessitates specialized training and passing a rigorous testing process.
  2. Hours of Service Regulations: These laws limit how many hours a truck driver can operate within a certain period to prevent fatigue-related accidents. Drivers must keep logs of their driving hours, which are subject to inspection.
  3. Weight and Load Regulations: The state enforces specific limits on truck weight and size. Trucks must adhere to these regulations to prevent accidents caused by overloading or imbalance.
  4. Maintenance Requirements: Regular maintenance checks are mandatory to ensure trucks operate safely. This includes checking brakes, tires, lights, and other critical components.
  5. Insurance Requirements: Colorado mandates higher minimum insurance coverage for commercial trucks than regular vehicles due to the potential for more significant damage and injuries in accidents.
  6. Drug and Alcohol Testing: Truck drivers are subject to strict drug and alcohol testing regulations to prevent impaired driving.
  7. Accident Reporting: In an accident, commercial truck drivers must report the incident to local authorities if it results in injury, death, or significant property damage.

Violations of these laws can lead to legal penalties for the driver or trucking company and can be crucial in establishing liability in truck accident cases. At Galperin & Associates, we help clients navigate these complex laws to pursue their claims effectively after a truck accident.


  1. Ensure your safety, and call 911.
  2. Seek medical attention, even if injuries seem minor.
  3. Document the accident scene with photos.
  4. Exchange information with the other party, but avoid admitting fault.
  5. Contact a lawyer for legal advice.
The statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally three years in Colorado. For wrongful death, it's two years from the date of death.
Compensation may cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. In some cases, punitive damages are also awarded.
Potentially liable parties include the truck driver, the trucking company, cargo loaders, vehicle or parts manufacturers, and maintenance providers.
Most cases are settled out of court. However, your case may go to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached.
The fault is determined by examining evidence such as driver logs, vehicle maintenance records, eyewitness accounts, and accident reconstruction reports.
While not mandatory, a lawyer can navigate the complexities of truck accident claims, deal with insurance companies, and ensure you receive fair compensation.
Colorado follows a comparative negligence rule. You can still recover damages if you're partially at fault, but your percentage of fault will reduce your compensation.

The duration varies depending on the case's complexity, the extent of injuries, and the negotiation process. It can range from several months to a few years.

For more specific guidance related to your case, contact Galperin & Associates for a consultation.

The duration of a truck accident lawsuit can vary widely based on several factors. These include the case's complexity, the extent of the injuries, the clarity of fault, the amount of evidence, and the willingness of the parties to negotiate. Simple cases may be resolved in months, especially if a settlement is reached quickly. However, more complex cases, particularly those that go to trial, can take several years to conclude. At Galperin & Associates, we work diligently to expedite the process while ensuring your case receives the thorough attention it deserves to achieve the best possible outcome.
Galperin & Associates

Free Consultation: Your First Step Toward Legal Assistance

Galperin & Associates offers free consultations to individuals seeking legal guidance after a truck accident. During this no-obligation consultation, you can discuss the specifics of your case with our experienced attorneys. We will listen to your concerns, evaluate your potential claim, and provide valuable insights into your legal options. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses. You can take the first step towards seeking justice and securing the compensation you deserve by scheduling a free consultation with our dedicated legal team.

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Written and Legally Reviewed ByJacob Galperin

Jacob Galperin is a litigation attorney with an emphasis in personal injury. He has represented hundreds of injured victims and has been able to recover millions in compensation for his clients.

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  • Truck Accidents

    Were You Injured In A Truck Accident?

    Denver's Truck Accident Lawyers

    Have you been injured in an accident involving an 18-wheeler truck in Denver or anywhere in the state of Colorado? Call Denver’s truck accident attorneys at Galperin & Associates at 720-501-3451 for a FREE case evaluation.

    Big rig, semi, and 18-wheeler truck accidents are especially dangerous due to their sheer size. Smaller passenger vehicles tend to take the brunt of these collisions, which often results in serious and even fatal injuries.

    Why do truck accidents occur so frequently in Colorado? Frequently it comes down to profits over safety. Our Colorado truck accident attorneys have witnessed trucking companies claim that they are revising their safety policies and procedures time and again to reduce the number of deadly accidents. Unfortunately, these new protocols are rarely enacted and trucking companies to place profits before the safety of other motorists.

    DID YOU KNOW: Over 15 million trucks are driving on the road in any given year, and in that time there are over 400,000 truck accidents leading to over 100,000 injuries.

    Common causes of truck accidents in Denver:

    • Speeding:When a truck driver speeds hoping to meet a deadline, he or she is acting recklessly. Trying to move an 80,000-pound vehicle faster then the speed limit is never a good idea. It is incredibly difficult to stop when you have that much weight and mass behind you.
    • Heavy Payloads:Heavy loads can compromise the balance of an 18-wheeler truck. When a trucker is carrying an unusually heavy load, it becomes more difficult to maneuver and stop even at normal speeds.  In addition, when a loaded-down truck does hit a car, the damage is far more severe. Flatbed trucks and tanker trucks are notorious for this, but dump trucks and garbage trucks are often just as bad.
    • Lack of Maintenance:Maintaining semi-trucks is necessary to avoid mechanical failure. If a truck is not properly maintained, even the safest truck driver is at a much greater risk of causing an accident. One mechanical failure such as brakes or suspension is, unfortunately, all it takes to cause a deadly accident to happen.
    • Lack of Sleep:Truckers are human just like the rest of us and when they are overworked or sleep-deprived, they make mistakes. It’s important to realize that many experienced truckers are paid by the mile, and thus want to push their bodies to the limit in order to earn a better paycheck. In essence, when they sleep, they lose money. Because of this, many truck drivers push themselves too far and end up falling asleep at the wheel. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) already allows truckers to drive as much as 11 hours at a time. Some truckers have been found falsifying hours-of-service records in order to appease their bosses or increase their pay.
    • Highway Hypnosis:This condition refers to a sort of trance-like state that occurs after a driver goes thousands of miles watching the same monotonous road scenery. Eventually a driver can zone out, causing an inhibited ability to react in an appropriate manner.
    • Blind Spots:One of the first thing new drivers learn when taking a semi truck driving test is to avoid the blind spot. Most mirror systems on trucks do not allow the trucker a full view of the area behind them. Loud engine noise also tends to drown out any honks from concerned motorists. This makes it very easy for them to accidentally sideswipe other vehicles.
    • Carelessness or Recklessness:Last, but not least, some truckers simply negligent in their attitude that other motorists should yield to them because of their massive size. Not every motorist can and the results can be deadly.

    Why are 18-wheeler truck accidents so deadly?

    18-wheeler accidents can cause serious injuries and death due to their massive size compared to other vehicles on the road. This means greater force upon impact. The typical injuries that result from 18 wheeler collisions include broken bones, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, brain damage, and even wrongful death.

    The truck accident lawyers at Galperin & Associates evaluate each 18 wheeler truck accident thoroughly looking at every possible angle and every potential party that may share in the blame. Potentially-liable parties could include the trucking company operating the semi, the manufacturer of your car or of the 18-wheeler (in respect to product defect), road construction companies’ failure to provide appropriate notice of road defects or road hazards, fleet maintenance companies for failing to maintain the vehicle, and others.

    The laws involved in truck accident cases are very difficult to navigate for most and are often wildly complex. Because of this, it’s extremely important that you talk to a lawyer about your case as soon as possible after your accident. Our experienced truck accident attorneys will evaluate your case at no cost to you. We can take your case on a, which means there are No Fees unless we win your case.

    Contact a Denver truck accident lawyer Today.

    Do not try to negotiate with the negligent party on your own! Trucking companies are ruthless when it comes to tricking victims into ruining their own case. They will try and minimize your claims, distort the facts, and will outright lie to you. Never accept their terms, and do not attempt to negotiate! Doing this only diminishes the value of your case.  Being represented by a knowledgeable attorney ensures you have the best chance to get the compensation you deserve.

    Contact Galperin & Associates to speak with a Denver truck accident attorney today at 720-501-3451. If your case is accepted, there is no up-front cost to you. We only get paid if we’re successful at recovering compensation in your case. We take all the financial risk so that you can focus on recovery.